Rico International focuses on introducing Japanese medicines into China
Expired patent drugs
Although Japan is a big country with patented drugs, there are many generic drugs. The introduction of characteristic generic drugs can be a supplement to the Chinese market.
Patent medicine
Introduce patented new drugs to fill the gaps in the Chinese market and shorten the gap between China and the advanced level.
Joint development
Early participation in product development in Japan; participation in international multi-center research, allowing new products to be launched simultaneously in China and the world.
Early development buyout
There are many projects under study in Japan that require external funding. China can use its capital advantage to purchase projects under study and obtain patent rights.
Maintain good communication with Japan PMDA
Become a strategic partner with more than 50 Japanese pharmaceutical companies and scientific research institutions
Domestic partners
Rico International (Beijing) Medicine Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: 86-10-53329998
Add: Room A502,Heqiao Building,No. 8,Guanghua Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing,China.
Rico International (Beijing) Medicine Technology Co., Ltd. copyright ©2020 京ICP备2020042821号